[PC] [PS4] [ONE] Titanfall 2

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Re: [PC] [PS4] [ONE] Titanfall 2

Post by christian »

Another major game with a lame title screen. When I saw it in the tech test, I figured it was a placeholder. But nope. It's back. And it's just as bad as the Gears of War 4 title screen. Oh well. Wonder if anyone else noticed. It's a little disappointing to load up a highly anticipated game, and be immediately greeted with, well, effectively nothing. Bland menus. In Titanfall, they had all these cool slow-motion action shots with pilots running around mixed with titans doing their thing. It was like a small peak into the excitement just ahead. Titanfall 2 just shows you a helmet and some other things in the dirt, and hopes the music will be sufficient. If it even starts up in time for you to hear it.

At least the campaign intro, with the drop pod burning through the planet's atmosphere is cool. Traditionally, the lines in the Titanfall logos have been, well, titans. But here, the game properly begins with the logo on-screen, then zooms in on the line as it slowly drops, but as the camera approaches, it's revealed to actually be a drop pod with a distressed rifleman in it. That's you! It's an interesting setup, as you don't begin the game as a pilot, but just a regular old infantryman. And when you land, man, it's a disaster-zone. Spectres everywhere, no friendly titans in sight, and your squadmates are getting cut down all around you.

One of the interesting themes of Titanfall is vulnerability, especially as it pertains to being on-foot, as opposed to within a titan. The game definitely begins by hitting that theme hard. The intro movie shows an expert pilot at his peak potential, tearing through a battlefield like a demon. And here you are, the rookie. Your first steps into the wilderness are timid and uncertain, and it'll be interesting to see how that changes as the game progresses. And as your skills as a pilot improve.
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Re: [PC] [PS4] [ONE] Titanfall 2

Post by christian »

At this point in the campaign, it's more Crysis 2 than Crysis. As in, the environments feel quite open, yet are far more restrictive than the scenery suggests. Similar to the combat encounters in Uncharted 4. Clear out the enemies. Get to the next objective marker. Keep in mind I have yet to set foot in a titan. I'm hoping the game opens up more when I do.
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