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[360] [PS3] [PC] [ONE] [PS4] NieR Gestalt / Replicant

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:40 pm
by christian
EglERgW.jpg (159.08 KiB) Viewed 13235 times
Gestalt trailer -

Re: [360] [PS3] NieR Gestalt / RepliCant

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:39 pm
by christian
Just ordered this. If anything, the price is only going to go up with the impending release of the sequel, and I'm doubtful for a PS4/ONE re-release. Curious to see what all the fuss is about.

Re: [360] [PS3] NieR Gestalt / RepliCant

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:24 pm
by christian
I've put about 8 hours into the game, and so far it hasn't exactly been all that great. But the framework is such that I'm excited to see what Platinum will contribute in the upcoming sequel. I haven't stopped playing it yet because the story hasn't quite kicked into gear, and that's supposedly the game's strongest point.

That is, apart from its music. The field music is wonderfully reminiscent of the greatest of RPG adventures and is always a pleasure. The village music is great too, comparable to the very best of JRPG village themes. There's a magical little moment when you start wandering around the village for the first time, when you approach the fountain outside of the shopping district. As you get near, you start to hear someone singing along with the BGM. Once there, you see that there's a girl sitting on the edge of the fountain strumming a guitar. Her voice has become part of the soundtrack! And when you speak with her, the singing stops, and the usual JRPG textbox appears. But once the conversation is over, she starts singing again. Walk far enough away, and her voice fades out from the music.

It was such a delightful, little detail that I spent a good amount of time walking back and forth to hear her singing fade in and out, and talked to her a whole bunch to hear it stop and start again. It's been my favorite part of the game so far.

Re: [360] [PS3] NieR Gestalt / RepliCant

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:40 pm
by christian
I was impressed with some of the voice acting and was wondering who was responsible for the localization, but then oops, duh, these are the original voices for NieR Gestalt. Gestalt was in English with Japanese subtitles. Now it makes sense.

Re: [360] [PS3] NieR Gestalt / RepliCant

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:06 pm
by christian
It honestly feels like the Mother of the 360 / PS3 generation.

Re: [360] [PS3] [PC] [ONE] [PS4] NieR Gestalt / Replicant

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 6:05 pm
by christian
Remaster announced, titled NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139
Opys0tv.jpg (352.54 KiB) Viewed 12767 times
Teaser trailer -